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O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
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Items where Subject is "Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.040106 - Ecology, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources"
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Our Subjects
Our editions
Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy
6.040106 - Ecology, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
Inozemna language (after professional direction)
Engineering aeroecology of cities
Engineering hydroecology cities
Engineering lithoecology of cities
Engineering and computer graphic arts
Engineering and environmental safety hydrosphere city
Engineerings aspects of aeroecology
Engineering aspects of the hydro-ecology
Engineering aspects litoekolohiyi
Foreign language
Intellectual property
Informatics and sistemologiya
Information technologies are in the guard of environment
Information Technology and Engineering in applied ecology
Information technologies of management
History of Ukraine
History of the Ukrainian culture
Analytical chemistry
Safety and labor protection basics
Biotgeochemistry and microbiology
Biology of city environment
Biology and ecology of man
Biochemistry and microbiology
Higher mathematics
Entering is into a profession
Geology of the fundamentals of geomorphology and hydrogeology
Geology of the basics of geomorphology
Geology and hydrology of the foundations of geomorphology
Business Ukrainian
Business foreign language
Business foreign language
Environmental geology
Environmental impact assessment
Ecological standardization and certification
Ecolaw and examination
Ecological inspection
Ecological management and audit
Environmental monitoring
Human Ecology
Ecology of the city systems
Economy of prirodokoristuvannya
Business Environmental Performance
Economic theory
Ensuring environmental safety
General Biology
General hydrology and hydrotechnical buildings
General ecology (and Neo)
General ecology and bases of the protected business
Общая экология
General and inorganic chemistry
Legislative support private relations
Reserve business
Opportunities environmental engineering and settlement
A cartography is with bases of topography
Communicative intercourse is in ecology
Meteorology and climatology
Methods and pribori of control of the state of atmospheric air
Teaching in higher education
Methodology and organization of scientific researches
Design and prognostication of the state of environment
Monitoring of environment
Organization and management of environmental activities
Organization of management is in ecological activity
Organic chemistry
Fundamentals of environmental business
Bases of economic theory
Bases of town-planning
Features of the use of underwaters are on the urbanized territories
A labour protection is in industry
Political science
Law (Commercial Law)
Legal regulation of marketing activities
Legal basis of administrative activities in public administration
Applied aeroecology
Applied hydroecology
Applied litoekolohiya
Applied lithoecology and radiology
Applied mechanics of liquids and gases
Applied science of vegetation (applied fitoekolohiya)
Applied phytoecology
Resource-saving technologies at clearing natural and sewage
Nature protection civil engineering and measures
Analysis of the systems of environment
Analysis of the systems
Social ecology
Social and environmental aspects of sustainable nature
Strategy for Sustainable Development
Strahuvannya ekologіchnih rizikіv
Technical bases of vodopidgotovki and water-supply
Management a professional capacity
There is a management and handling offcuts
Urban ecology
Disposal of waste
Disposal of industrial waste
Physical and chemical methods of analysis
Physical culture
Physical education
Physical principles of ecology
Chemistry of the fundamentals of biogeochemistry
Chemistry of basic biochemistry
Soil Science
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Wed Dec 11 02:04:52 2024 EET