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O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
A.N.Beketov KNUME DL
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Structure of academy
Archival departments
406 Department of Energy Efficient Engineering Systems
State of MO
Department of Energy Efficient Engineering Systems
Department of teplokholodpostachannya
Department of engineering and computer graphic arts
A laboratory of high-tech and informative systems is in a city economy
Faculty of economy and enterprise
Department of city and regional economy
Faculty of extra-mural form of studies
Faculty of pislyadiplomnoy education and extra-mural studies
Department of management of city and regional development
A department of the informative systems and technologies is in a city economy
Faculty of Transport Systems and Technologies
Department of Engineering networks and urban ecology
Department of shots
Marketing department
Gender center
Educational department
Educational and Scientific Institute of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts
Department of Architecture of Buildings and Structures
Department of Design and 3D Modeling
Department of Design and Interior
Department of Landscape Design and Landscape Art
Department of Fine Arts and Design
Principles of architectural design
Department of urbanism and urban planning
Department of digital modeling and graphics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Construction and Civil Engineering
Department of build constructions
Department of construction design
Department of Higher Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling
Department of Water Supply, Sanitation and Water Treatment
Department of geotechnics, underground structures and hydraulic construction
The department of land administration and GIS
Department of materials science and engineering of composite structures
Department of Urban Development
Department of Labour Protection and Life Safety
Department of theoretical and build mechanics
Department of heat and gas supply and ventilation
Department of technology and organization of construction production
Department of Environmental Engineering cities
Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Management
Department of Economics and Marketing
Department of Economic Theory and International Economics
Department of Management and Public Administration
Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration
Department of tourism and hotel economy
A department of management projects is in a city economy and building
Department of Finance, Accounting and Business Security
Department of Foreign Philology and Translation
Educational and Scientific Institute of Energy, Information and Transport Infrastructure
Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Department of Alternative Electricity and Electrical Engineering
Department of electric transport
Department Computer Science and Information Technology
Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology
Department of lightning technology and sources of light
The department of Systems of Urban of Electricity Supply and Power Consumption
Department of transport systems and logistic
Department of physics
Department of Chemistry and Integrated Technologies
Educational and Scientific Institute of Higher Qualification Training
Department of Patent studies and the basics of law enforcement
Department of fizvikhovannya and sport
Department of philosophy and political science
Research sector
Scientifically methodical department
Planned is a financial department
Pozanavchal'noy work
Receiving commission
Editorial and publishing department
The scientists of advice are specialized
K 64.089.04 Kharkiv National University Urban Economy. O.M.Beketova
D 64.086.02 in the Kharkov national academy of city economy
D 64.089.01 in the Kharkov national academy of city economy
D 64.089.03 in the Kharkov national academy of city economy
A faculty is on work with foreign students
Department of Basic Language and General Science Training of Foreign Citizens
Department of psychology, pedagogy and language training
Department of history and kul'turologii
Faculty of the in-plant training and retraining of leading shots and specialists of ZHKG
Center of dovuzivskoy preparation
A center "Megapolis"
Center of the controlled from distance studies
Center of energy-savings of KHNAMG ANOK "Resource"
Center of new information technologies