A.N.Beketov KNUME Digital Repository

Geometric construction using object anchoring. Guidance for laboratory works for “Informatics and computer modeling basics” course /for foreign students of 2nd year studying by orientation 1201 «Architecture»/

Бочаров, Б.П. and Яковицкий, И.Л. and Воеводина, М.Ю. and Левиков, Ю.В. (2008) Geometric construction using object anchoring. Guidance for laboratory works for “Informatics and computer modeling basics” course /for foreign students of 2nd year studying by orientation 1201 «Architecture»/. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

[img] Microsoft Word

Item Type:Teaching Resource
Subjects:Our documents > Plan publication of instructional materials > 407 Computer Science and Information Technology > Plan 2009
ID Code:6300
Deposited By: Юрий Владимирович Левиков
Deposited On:09 Dec 2008 11:05
Last Modified:13 Jul 2010 07:45

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