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Націєчутливість часопростору українських міст: реалії конфліктів ідентичності

Фесенко, Г. Г. (2019) Націєчутливість часопростору українських міст: реалії конфліктів ідентичності. Українознавчий альманах (Вип. 2). pp. 138-143.

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Abstract. The article highlights changes in communication "civil landscapes" Ukrainian cities, as the parameters of temporality and spatial phenomenologist. It is noted that the public space of the city is a special social and cultural form of being in the conditions of Ukrainian’s conflict. The methodological basis of the study is the concept of national identity, the theory of communicative action, as well as a cultural approach to the analysis of the temporal-spatial phenomenon of the city. The need for research practices focused on comprehending urban identity from the point of view of a “civic approach”, establishing national values, and taking into account the communitarian principles of the formation of such an identity is articulated. Civil urban sites are analyzed through the prism of lighting of nationally sensitive time-space. Differences in communicative-spatial transformations of Ukrainian cities, character of presentation of their national-cultural identity in communicative space are described. The pro-active practices of the locals re-vitalizing the Ukrainian space, through the prospect of designing a “national-cultural reality” – of Ukrainian citizenship are outlined. The violation of the cordial eye of the majority of national identities, as if they were based on the front line of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the coveted national-cultural frontiers of Ukraine, move forward. There is a shift in worldview boundaries along the national identity of communities that find themselves on the front lines of the Russian-Ukrainian war and become defensive national-cultural frontiers of Eastern Ukraine. It is noted that the spatial connections of Ukrainian cities and communities require a more powerful national-cultural articulation of the symbolic structure of urban politics and topos’ mnemonics. Key words: national identity, civic culture, participatory city, communications, public space, intersubjectivity.

Item Type:Article
Subjects:Publications are in other editions
ID Code:54358
Deposited By: професор Г.Г. Фесенко
Deposited On:06 Dec 2019 08:26
Last Modified:06 Dec 2019 08:26

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