Цифровой репозиторий ХНУГХ им.А.Н.Бекетова


Бочаров, Б.П. и Воеводина, М.Ю. и Еремин, А.Ю. (2018) USER AWK FUNCTIONS LIBRARY. Information technologies in education: electronic supplement to the journal "Educational Institutions Libraries" (9). С. 17-21.

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Официальный URL: http://lib-journal.ru/itedu/n009.html


During the implementation of the information processing task, it turned out that the amount of code (lines of the program) is growing catastrophically. In addition, the information processing is pretty unified and individual blocks are used repeatedly. The article describes the procedure for creating a library of functions that are added to the text of the program before it is executed (user-defined functions library)

Тип объекта:Статья
Тематика:Публикации в других изданиях
Код ID:48762
Размещен: доцент Борис Петрович Бочаров
Размещен на:10 Апр 2018 08:10
Последнее изменение:10 Апр 2018 08:10

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