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Fesenko G. The marking of national identity in state holidays of Slovenia and Ukraine: the comparative analysis

Фесенко, Г.Г. (2016) Fesenko G. The marking of national identity in state holidays of Slovenia and Ukraine: the comparative analysis. Гілея : науковий вісник (106). pp. 248-253.

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The article provides historical and cultural overview of the formation the state holidays of Ukrainians and Slovenians 1991 – 2015 to compare the basic components of the time–space national holidays in terms the concept of «independence – unity». The methodological basis of the paper is seen as the concept of national identity and cultural approach to the analysis of the temporal–spatial phenomenon of a «state– of–society». The comparative analysis of the state holidays of Slovenia and Ukraine is based on the decomposition of: 1) those that reproduce the remembrance of gained independence and sovereignty; 2) those that emphasize the value of unity; 3) those that preserve the nations’ cultural core. The differences in the historical transformation of the two countries described focusing on the presentation of their national and cultural identity in the state holidays calendar. It is provided that the state holidays calendar, as a special cultural form, is an important factor for a nation–state’s well–being.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:: nation identity, state holiday, culture, unity, commemoration
Subjects:Publications are in other editions
ID Code:50791
Deposited By: професор Г.Г. Фесенко
Deposited On:03 Jan 2019 10:05
Last Modified:03 Jan 2019 10:05

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