A.N.Beketov KNUME Digital Repository

Electrical engineering in construction: tutorial

Achkasov, А.Y. and Lushkin, V.А. and Okhrimenko, V.M. and Voronkova , Т.B. (2015) Electrical engineering in construction: tutorial. Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова. ISBN 978-966-695-377-6

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The material of the 1st edition of the textbook "Електротехніка у будіництві" (approved by the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine as a textbook for students of construction specialties of higher educational institutions, letter № 1/11-5516 from 22 June 2010) supplemented with the theme "Synchronous electric machines” and issues "Electrical measurements" and "DC machines". Basic facts from the theory of electrical circuits are given, transformers and electrical machines, basic electronics and electric drive were considered. Describes the electrical equipment of construction areas, enterprises of construction industry, engineering systems of buildings.

Item Type:Book
Subjects:Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0921 - "Building" > The electrical engineering is in building
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.060101 - Construction > The electrical engineering is in building
ID Code:42578
Deposited By: провідний інженер ЛВТІСМГ Олена Сергіївна Кривошеєва
Deposited On:18 Apr 2016 10:23
Last Modified:01 Apr 2019 06:23

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