A.N.Beketov KNUME Digital Repository

Робоча програма навчальної дисципліни «Охорона праці в галузі» для студентів 5 курсу денної форми навчання спеціальності 7.03050901, 8.03050901 «Облік і аудит», 7.03050401, 8.03050401 «Економіка підприємства».

Чеботарьова, О.В. (2014) Робоча програма навчальної дисципліни «Охорона праці в галузі» для студентів 5 курсу денної форми навчання спеціальності 7.03050901, 8.03050901 «Облік і аудит», 7.03050401, 8.03050401 «Економіка підприємства». [Teaching Resource] (In Press)

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Item Type:Teaching Resource
Subjects:Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0709 - "Geodesy, cartography and organization of the the use of land" > A labour protection is in industry
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0501 - "Economy and enterprise" > A labour protection is in industry
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0926 - "Water resources" > A labour protection is in industry
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0502 - "Management" > A labour protection is in industry
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0708 - "Ecology" > A labour protection is in industry
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 1004 - "Transport technologies" > A labour protection is in industry
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0906 - "Electrical engineering" > A labour protection is in industry
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.040106 - Ecology, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources > A labour protection is in industry
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.070101 - Transportation Technologies (by transport) > A labour protection is in industry
ID Code:36081
Deposited By: провідний інженер ЛВТІСМГ Олена Сергіївна Кривошеєва
Deposited On:14 May 2014 07:56
Last Modified:14 May 2014 07:56

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