A.N.Beketov KNUME Digital Repository

Casein labeling glue with high adhesion

Komarova, O. and Cherkashina, A. (2013) Casein labeling glue with high adhesion. In: XI международная научно-техническая интернет-конференция «Применение пластмасс в строительстве и городском хозяйстве», 25.11.13-25.12.13, г.Харьков. (Submitted)

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Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Keynote)
Subjects:Internetconferences > 11-th international scientific and technical internet – conference the use of plastics in construction and municipal economy > The structure, physical and mechanic, physical and chemical technological properties and investigation techniques of plastics and polymers, and the materials with their use.
ID Code:34141
Deposited By: наташа Наташа Гетало
Deposited On:02 Dec 2013 13:08
Last Modified:02 Dec 2013 13:08

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