A.N.Beketov KNUME Digital Repository

Методичні вказівки до проведення практичних занять, виконання контрольних робіт та організації самостійної роботи студентів з дисципліни «Основи економічної теорії» (для студентів 1 курсу денної і 2 курсу заочної форм навчання за напрямом підготовки 6.070101 «Транспортні технології» (за видами транспорту)).

Решетило, В.П. and Єгорова , О.Ю. (2012) Методичні вказівки до проведення практичних занять, виконання контрольних робіт та організації самостійної роботи студентів з дисципліни «Основи економічної теорії» (для студентів 1 курсу денної і 2 курсу заочної форм навчання за напрямом підготовки 6.070101 «Транспортні технології» (за видами транспорту)). [Teaching Resource] (In Press)

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Item Type:Teaching Resource
Subjects:Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0502 - "Management" > Bases of economic theory
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 1004 - "Transport technologies" > Bases of economic theory
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0906 - "Electrical engineering" > Bases of economic theory
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.140103 - Tourism > Bases of economic theory
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.140101 - Hotel and restaurant business > Bases of economic theory
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.050701 - Electrical and Electric > Bases of economic theory
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.030601 - Management > Bases of economic theory
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0709 - "Geodesy, cartography and organization of the the use of land" > Bases of economic theory
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.080101 - Geodesy, Cartography and Land Management > Bases of economic theory
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.060101 - Construction > Bases of economic theory
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0926 - "Water resources" > Bases of economic theory
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.070101 - Transportation Technologies (by transport) > Bases of economic theory
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.040106 - Ecology, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources > Bases of economic theory
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.070101 - Transportation Technologies (by transport) > Bases of economic theory
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.170202 - Health > Bases of economic theory
ID Code:31350
Deposited By: провідний інженер ЛВТІСМГ Олена Сергіївна Кривошеєва
Deposited On:28 May 2013 11:24
Last Modified:28 May 2013 11:24

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