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Основи сферичної геометрії та тригонометрії: навч. посібник.

Данилевський, М.П. and Колосов, А.І. and Якунін, А.В. (2011) Основи сферичної геометрії та тригонометрії: навч. посібник. Харківська національна академія міського господарства. ISBN 978-966-695-213-7

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Теоретичний матеріал подається у досить стислій формі – наводяться основні означення і факти з концентрацією уваги на розкритті суті понять, їх взаємозв’язків без надмірної строгості викладу. Для кращого розуміння використовуються відповідні графічні ілюстрації. Закріпленню знань сприяють детально розібрані типові приклади. Для самостійного опрацювання наведено контрольні запитання та вправи, а також індивідуальні розрахунково-графічні завдання.

Item Type:Book
Subjects:Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0906 - "Electrical engineering" > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0922 - "Electromechanics" > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0709 - "Geodesy, cartography and organization of the the use of land" > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0501 - "Economy and enterprise" > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0502 - "Management" > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0504 - "Tourism" > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0708 - "Ecology" > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0921 - "Building" > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 0926 - "Water resources" > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 1004 - "Transport technologies" > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 1201 - "Architecture" > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.060101 - Construction > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.050701 - Electrical and Electric > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.030504 - Economy > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.140101 - Hotel and restaurant business > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.030601 - Management > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.140103 - Tourism > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.040106 - Ecology, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.070101 - Transportation Technologies (by transport) > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.080101 - Geodesy, Cartography and Land Management > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.170202 - Health > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.060102 - Architecture > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.060103 - hydraulic engineering (water resources) > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.030509 - Accounting and Auditing > Higher mathematics
Our editions > Methodical materials are after directions of preparation of academy > 6.050201 - Systems Engineering > Higher mathematics

Our achievements > Our indexes > T10. Informative resources > T10.2. Publishing activity > P93. It is given out in the financial year of the names of train aids with a vulture MON and other ministries which have jurisdiction higher educational establishments
ID Code:21468
Deposited By: провідний інженер ЛВТІСМГ Олена Сергіївна Кривошеєва
Deposited On:29 Jun 2011 11:48
Last Modified:28 Nov 2011 09:01

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